Elliott SONAR Chiropractic - Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Tulsa, Oklahoma


New Patient Information - Elliott SONAR Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Elliott Center of Chiropractic, PLLC

We are located on the southwest Corner of 71st and Mingo at 7110 South Mingo Rd. Ste 107 – Tulsa, OK 74133

Phone: 918-252-9915
Text: 918-345-3433
Fax: 918-252-9102
Toll Free: 866-900-9915

Email: clinic@sonarchiropractic.com

Doctors’ Office Hours

Dr. Sprague:
Monday: 8:30am-4pm
Tuesday: 8:30am-5pm
Wednesday: 8:30am-2pm
Thursday: 8:30am-4pm

“Every organ in your body is connected to the one under your hat.” – B.J. Palmer

Contact Us

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